Nodes (Engels)

Global Bitcoin nodes distribution – Bitnodes

bitnodesBitnodes is currently being developed to estimate the size of the Bitcoin network by finding all the reachable nodes in the network.

Schermafbeelding 2015-02-18 om 09.34.56

Global Bitcoin nodes distribution

Reachable nodes as of 1424247538.

6406 nodes

24-hour charts

Top 10 countries with their respective number of reachable nodes are as follow.

1 United States 2516 (39.28%)
2 Germany 561 (8.76%)
3 France 411 (6.42%)
4 Canada 377 (5.89%)
5 United Kingdom 358 (5.59%)
6 Netherlands 294 (4.59%)
7 Russian Federation 227 (3.54%)
8 Australia 152 (2.37%)
9 China 124 (1.94%)
10 Sweden 119 (1.86%)
More (88)

Map shows concentration of reachable Bitcoin nodes found in countries around the world.


Join the network

Be part of the Bitcoin network by running a full Bitcoin node, e.g. Bitcoin Core.

Use this tool to check if your Bitcoin client is currently accepting incoming connections from other nodes.

2015 Addy Yeow (PGP) 1Gy6rGBJjyFgFcad3e9UB5Z4CzwBTEjQkR

About Bitnodes

Bitnodes is currently being developed to estimate the size of the Bitcoin network by finding all the reachable nodes in the network. The current methodology involves sending getaddr messages recursively to find all the reachable nodes in the network, starting from a set of seed nodes. Bitnodes uses Bitcoin protocol version 70001 (i.e. >= /Satoshi:0.8.x/), so nodes running an older protocol version will be skipped. The crawler implementation in Python is available from GitHub (ayeowch/bitnodes) and the crawler deployment is documented in Provisioning Bitcoin Network Crawler.

Bitnodes API v1.0

Network map

New transactions


Bitnodes Incentive Program

This project is powered by The Bitcoin Foundation.

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